Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What is Your 2018 Word of the Year?

Three years ago, a colleague suggested that each member of our professional advisory group announce a “Word of the Year” to help focus and embody their primary goal for the New Year.  That year and each since, I have announced a word.

How about you?  What is your word of the year?  What is it that you want to do, accomplish, effect, see, or try this year?  Are there new opportunities you can already predict, or some that you hope will materialize?  Are there challenges that must be overcome, or is it merely change that you are looking for?  Perhaps the goal for the year is for *less* change!  (Here is an article with 5 tips to choose your word of the year!)

Another consideration is whether your word has more to do with you personally, or with your business.  The first year I articulated my word, it was personal.  The next year was about the business.  Last year I thought it was about the business, but it ended up being more personal.  This year my word is “Learn,” and it is intentionally personal.  Time will tell how that pans out.

Whether the word matches your personal or professional life, and is something that will truly last the year or not, reflecting on what this year’s word should be will undoubtedly bring insight and spark innovation.  And both throughout and at the end of the year, reflecting again on how progress is being made to that word will most likely lead to some kind of learning, and hopefully satisfaction.

Happy New Year from all of us at AJC.

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